- What is the X-RateLimit-Limit Header?
- What is the X-RateLimit-Reset Header?
- What is the X-RateLimit-Remaining Header?
- What is the Retry-At Header?
- Clio's API v4
Additional Information:
The headers that are returned after every call are there to give an indication of what the rate limit is, how many requests are left in the window, and in which window the requests are being made in.
- X-RateLimit-Limit: The number of requests allowed during the 60-second window.
- X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of request remaining in the 60-second window before encountering a 429 error.
- X-RateLimit-Reset: A timestamp of the current window, specified as seconds-since-epoch (e.g., `Time.now.to_i`), there is automatically a new window every 60 seconds.
- Retry-At: Only added to 429 responses, it is the number of seconds before the window resets and requests will be accepted.